Saturday, May 1, 2010

Round About Travels

Today the better half and I started out to look at a couple of used cars and didn't see a single one.
I failed to "let my fingers do the walking" and the first car we went to see had been sold. On the way to the next opportinity we passed a "prim shop" in West Milton, Ohio. My spouse is a great prim lover and so....we had to stop. That stop lead to a trip to another "prim" shop that was located "just a short distance from here". That stop lead to the discovery of an antiques store co-owned by the wife of a high school chum. Turns out that shop was located in Tipp City, Ohio and it was "on our way".
Needless to say by the time we finished primming and antiquing I had lost all enthusiasm for car shopping. We had a nice afternoon cruising around in our old van. It wasn't a bad way to spend a rather overcast and cloudy day that started out with a steady rain that I expected to last all day.
Such is life I guess. We set off on a journey thinking we know where we are going but getting distracted by other events that are just called living. If we are lucky the journey has been an enjoyable and fruitful one.

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